Wednesday, April 1, 2009

AFI is almost over...

It has been a pretty crazy week, I've spilt beer in front really cool people. Tripped over a curb, walked out of movies, went to hooters, bombed interviews and Q & As, and hoped and prayed that my film spoke for itself. I forget that only a month ago this person that has been going to these festivals and talking to people who are much cooler than I, didn't really exist. I have never done or experienced these things, not even close. I've done lots of dumb and embarrassing things in my life, lots more like tons, but I think collectively my behavior at these festivals has been something of a mystery to me. I don't get it. I'm just a kid from Mansfield, TX. Prior to two weeks ago I hadn't been to more then 10 bars in my life, for the sole purpose of drinking and talking to people (I am excluding the tours with PFA, because I think I only talked with the people in our crew). I guess what I'm saying is I have never put myself out there like this. I have gotten to meet filmmakers from all over the world who think and take the same risks as me. Some more social then others & some more drunk than myself.

AFI Dallas, was pretty good to my film, the festival staff treated us well, and people enjoyed our film. I will be posting a "new" cut of North Street Bummer sometime next week, with one extended scene and no opening titles. I am doing this to get some feedback from you people as to what you think. I will post it on my website, and there will be a questionnaire below it and I'd like to hear what people think.


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