Monday, March 16, 2009

More from Adrian

Yesterday- Sunday night- we left Jeremy's house and went to the premiere party for "Make Out with Violence". We talked to the filmmakers and one of the actresses who seemed very interested in us. There were also some old hooters girls there that were like "Hi, Adrian" and I was like "Hi".
 Afterwards we headed over to see "Humpday". Fantastic. Very funny cast, funny story, funny fun eating cheddar chex in the theater. Mark Dupass is incredible. The movie was unscripted. Incredible performances. Witty clever humor. Great.
After that we saw "
The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle". Another great funny movie! It was great and funny! The opening title sequence was an incredible work of art! The movie was weird and funny and great and great and weird and funny! I loved it! There were unconventional cuts and effects and shots, but they all worked and the story was so crazy awesome that I want to watch it several more times!
A Film with Me in It" was the last thing we watched Sunday. Daniel fell asleep through almost the whole movie. It started slow and was a tad boring, then it picked up and got a little better. We passed up seeing Raimi's new movie "Drag Me to Hell" because dizzle got out late. Oh well. So this morning we wandered into this "super special screening", not knowing what it was... Daniel asked somebody in line while I was parking and found out that it was linkletter's new film... Whoever that is... "Me and Orson Welles" with Zac Efron and Claire Daines. It was good. Huge budget, huge production, huge movie. Linklater is a cool guy.
When we got out we headed over to the Trade Show and I talked to the EP people about EP Budgeting and Scheduling and how we can get it at school and it seems pretty easy so I have to talk to Bart. Then I went over the the Texas Film Commission stand and talked to the woman there about getting a guest speaker to come to school and talk about the advantages of making friends with the film commission. It was fun.
Next we went to see "It was Great, but I was Ready to Come Home". We were standing in line next to all these important people who have movies in the feature competition and they are all friends and laughing and having a good time and I was wanting to just go over and laugh and have a good time with them... but then I got really mad. I started thinking about how they would just "shoo" us away or ignore us because we weren't on their "level" and how they would probably forget about us 5 minutes after we left.... Then we watched the movie (and I fell asleep in the end because I was so angry before the movie started and throughout it) and then Daniel and I walked over to the Convention Center and talked about our "futures" as filmmakers and I felt better. Comment if you would like to know more about my Hulk anger.
After our future planning session we headed over to see "Luckey". It was a pretty kick ass documentary with a not so good resolution. It seemed very long too. I enjoyed it. Daniel and I talked more about future filmmaking before and after the screening.
THEN we headed over to see a "TBA" screening which turned out to be Todd Haynes infamous BANNED documentary, "SUPERSTAR, The Karen Carpenter Story". It was funny... although I'm not sure if it was intended to be so. Yes... it was... and it was.
Tomorrow Erik and Carla might come and hang out with us and watch some movies. That should be fun.
I'm tired now though, so Too-Da-Loo!

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