Saturday, March 14, 2009


So here's the scoop on what we are up to today, if Adrian decides to wake up anytime soon is...

"Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo" Director, Bradley Beesley
(for my thoughts; see post)

"Beeswax" Director, Andrew Bujalski
I did not find out that this was even playing until I looked to see if it was. I am fan of "Mutual Appreciation" and an admirer of "Funny Ha Ha." Although the latter I don't think translates to the small screen, or is as important today as it had been only a few years ago. Andrew is credited as the creator or the originator of the unkindly titled "mumblecore"-genre. Personally to me it is a label or a genre seems to mean more to fans of the work. But genre creation is scary business, seeing as it often evolves into a cultural infatuation. So I go to "Beeswax" looking for something fresh, and distinctly Bujalski, which inherently states I seek a bit of "mumble" with this one.

"Sons of a Gun" Directors, Rivkah Beth Medow & Greg O'Toole
(for my thoughts; see post)

"Splinterheads" Director, Brant Sersen
I read a review of this that wasn't so nice, and the promo they have on their website sadly doesn't look entirely promising, or for that matter completely terrible. I get a weird Dude/bro Napoleon Dynamite feel from the trailer... whatever, Adrian wanted to fit this one in.

Alexander the Last, Director, Joe Swanberg
(for my thoughts; see post)

Grace, Directed by Paul Solet
This one played at Sundance, but a lot of shit plays there that Sundance thinks they can sell off. No doubt this will get some sort of release, either theatrically or straight to DVD/Blu. I would rather see the midnight shorts and see, David's cohort/producer, James Johnston's new short. But I shall see that later in the week so no worries. Or am I worried... about Grace, it is about Zombie Babies, I'm guessing? Who knows, this falls under the catagory of, I tend to enjoy fucked up movies before I sleep. Perhaps that is comforting. We might miss this one if we can find a good party. I hear there is a Digg Nation party somewhere, and Troll 2 is playing at the South Lamar.

Alright well Adrian just called and he is on his way over, probably almost here, we might miss our first movie of the day, because we have to promote "sleet/snow." It is number one on the agenda today, and then after that movies. I picked films that might feel similar to my film to promote at and see. Luckily, I really want to see all the films we have planned for the day, with the exception of Splinterheads and maybe Grace...


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